Feb 2021 - Present: Research Assistant @ EECS, University of Michigan
Advisor: Jeffrey A. Fessler and Douglas C. Noll.
RF pulse design, sampling trajectories optimization and image reconstruction for novel silent MRI pulse sequence
- Programmed silent MRI pulse sequence for the research and clinical scanners from multi-vendors using TOPPE and Pulseq
- Designed functional tasks, including visual, motor and auditory simulation and collected fMRI data from over 20 subjects
- Reconstructed images using model-based methods and learning-based methods, including Plug-and-Play, unrolled neural networks to resolve image artifacts and improve image resolution
- Optimized 3D non-Cartesian sampling trajectories using learning-based methods to optimize the gradients and trajectories under the constraints of gradient peak amplitude and slew rate
- Computed the shaped RF pulse for silent MRI to create more uniform excitation profiles
- Developed spatial-temporal reconstruction methods including UNFOLD and Low-rank models for in-vivo fMRI data to boost the functional analysis
Jan 2019 - Nov 2019: Research Assistant @ Medical School, University of Michigan
Advisor: Yuni K. Dewaraja, Jeffrey A. Fessler.
This project aims to build a deep Convolutional Neural Networks to fastly and accurately predict scatter distribution of 3D SPECT/CT imaging.
- Designed multi-input physics-informed neural network architecture tailored to 3D SPECT/CT system
- Predicted the distribution of scatter from SPECT/CT using deep convolutional neural network and the estimation shows good alignment to the gold standard method
- Reduced the computational time for over 100X from multiple hours using Monte-Carlo simulation to one minute using GPU.
Jan 2018 - Aug 2018: Research Assistant , University of Michigan
Acceleration of Convolutional Dictionary Learning and Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning by applying sketching method. This project won the first place in the KLA-Tencor Image Processing Contest (Award).